Monday, July 30, 2007


To start out I'd like to say yay for me. This post makes number 4 this month which means I've met my goal.

Anywhoo. On to what I came to write about.

I have been corrupted. I didn't really notice it at first but now it's becoming more and more obvious to me and I don't know what to do about it. When I met John, I considered myself somewhat normal. I spent my time shopping, listening to music, watching movies and hanging out with friends. I now own a Wii and am constantly buying games and accessories for it. I sat in on a D&D game with John and his friends and I'm now seriously contemplating joining them in playing. I have started reading OOTS and am actually really into it. Last week I went into a comic book store by myself and at my own will. Then, last night as I'm sitting there reading OOTS, John puts in Kingdom Hearts 2 and I find myself drawn to it. I could hardly keep my eyes on my book and the scariest part is that I can't wait to get home so I can download the song from the opening where it recaps the previous game. I guess there are worse things that I could have been corrupted into. The thing is, I'm not even sure if I'm truly upset about it or just in shock over the realization. Maybe I had this geeky side to me all along and it's finally out in the open. Hmmm.

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